We are currently interviewing for individual interns at Centro Educativo Suelo Sano. Individuals should have a strong interest in sustainable living as well as limited attachments to luxuries. This position may evolve to permanent employment in an administrative capacity.

Who You Are
You are a spiritual being on a physical journey towards enlightenment. You recognize that all suffering is due to attachments. Centro Suelo Sano offers a place to explore the limits of what you personally need to be content.
At Suelo Sano we do not allow consumption of alcohol nor do we allow dogs ( we love all sentient beings, but there are many reasons dogs do not belong here.)
If you are interested in applying, please send a message here.

Here at Centro Suelo Sano we are always eager to meet like-minded beings and to share our experience to everyone's benefit. We always have interesting work going on, usually to do with permaculture and natural building. Just let us know when you would like to drop by. Free lodging may be available and camping is fine.